Saturday, August 9, 2008


WOOFLINK was featured on DOG GOODS SHOP magazine in Japan. This is summer issue, and they are featuring 2 items, NOTORIOUS denim pants and SASSY GIRL skirt.

Friday, August 8, 2008

DOG FAN Magazine July Issue

WOOFLINK was featured on DOG FAN, Japanese pet Magazine July issue.

Friday, August 1, 2008

More WOOFLINK MANIAS from Russia

"OH, MY GOD!!!"

This is what everyone at WOOFLINK screamed when we received photos from Russia. We really had to share these adorable photos with all of you.

This punk rocker pooch is wearing "PUNK ROCKER IN PINK" all-in-one with "DAY DREAMING TEDDY" Swarovski pearl necklace, showing off top fashion sense!

Wearing one the best selling items from summer collection, "GLAM" dress, isn't she adorable??

Sure she is a professional Wooflink fashion model! :-) She is wearing "PINUP GIRL" wooflink dress and also wearing"DAY DREAMING TEDDY" Swarovski pearl necklace.

So you think your pooches are also Wooflink Mania? Then send us photos of your cute little pooch wearing cool & sassy Wooflink clothes, so we can share with everyone around the world!!